What are your most important
strategic initiatives met with?
strategic initiatives met with?
If your organization would like to participate in a research project
facilitating change management success, please contact Ron
Koller at rkoller@ValidChangeAssessment.com.
Your strategic organizational changes fail because
too many people do not believe the change …
1. is good for them personally
2. is good for the organization
3. will work
3. will work
New change management success research is not studying why your organizational change initiatives continue to fail. Instead, this research provides you (leaders) with a more realistic portrait of where you need to focus your energy, and what you can do differently to improve the bottom line results that necessitated the change in the first place.
Think of an important organizational change that did not meet expectations. If you were able to know, with pinpoint accuracy, where these 4 camps resided before, during and after implementing the change, things would have gone better … much better.
If this makes sense to you, it is because it comes from the experiences of people working with some of the most recognizable corporate names in the world. We’ve teamed together corporate change practitioners with organizational change academic researchers to provide a fast, easy, but accurate tool that you can use to better implement change. Again, if you are interested in having your organization benefit from this research, please contact rkoller@ValidChangeAssessment.com.
Each strategic change is different. Though the percentages vary depending on the organization’s culture and on the particular change, here is a composite picture of where your people stood on the last important change that could have been so much more:
Commitment is unlikely because of the traditional ways most organizations implement change. You’re lucky if 20% of the organization is committed to an initiative.
Resistance is also unlikely because the individual risks losing their jobs. Traditional organizations favor the “yes (wo)man.” Probably less than 10% actually resist out in the open, mainly because they just do not care if they lose their job anymore.
Indifference to organizational changes increases with age; it is the absence of commitment. The cynical-apathy mixed response to a change is, “here we go again – I’m not going to waste my energy on this.” 30% of your organization typically responds to change in this fashion.
Obedience to organizational changes is the pressure individual’s feel to keep their jobs or the fear of being fired. The cynical-compliant mixed response to change is, “here we go again – I’m going to do the bare minimum to keep my job.” 40% of your organization typically responds to change in this fashion.